
2 – Tessa Cracks The Code

Recapping Chapter 1: Tessa’s Birthday Gift

  • We met Tessa, a 17-year-old living on a brand new space station orbiting Saturn.
  • We got the sense that someone’s been watching Tessa all her life, with big plans for her future.
  • We watched Tessa navigate centrifugal force to make it to the station’s loading dock in record time, where a brand-new Tesla Skyster – and the keys! – were waiting for her.
  • Our story ended on a cliffhanger, with a strange code and message alluding to a mission she knows nothing about.

And now, let’s return to our space mystery, shall we?

Tessa is back in class, the card with the strange code still in her hands.


(Thinking to herself) Did I really just get a car? And not just any car, but a Tesla Skyster with a warp drive motor that goes near the speed of light. I’ll be able to travel throughout the solar system on weekends! But wait, no, this has to be a dream. Right? I’m actually sleeping and Hype is about to wake me up. Right…? 

Tessa sits at her desk, puzzled. In her hands under the desk are the letter and the keyring that came with the car.


(aloud) No, this feels pretty real.

Tessa then looks up to see the teacher and the whole class looking at her, some snickering and some looking quite confused.


Oh, I mean, I’m really starting to see what you’re saying here with the proton radius problem and the scientific revolution. Very interesting.


Thank you. Yes, it’s a tricky concept that seems unimportant, but it’s actually the greatest discovery of the 21st century. Some will say it was even greater than the discovery of extraterrestrials. This proton radius puzzle, and the Quantum Gravity/Holographic Mass solution, will give us the technology to make the 22nd century very, very exciting.


(Thinking to herself, relieved) Good thing I wrote that essay on the history of the proton problem and the scientific revolution three years ago. I really wish physics evolved faster. What’s up with that?

Tessa now turns her eyes to gaze out the classroom window towards Saturn. The planet is glowing extra purple today, meaning they are at the peak of the elliptical orbit Saturn makes around the sun.

The scene cuts to a flashback of Tessa and her mother. Her mother watches her with the same dreamy-eyed look, peering at the planets from their kitchen window.

“You could be a physicist one day,” her mother says.

The scene returns to the classroom.

The bell rings, signaling the end of class.  Tessa and the other students pile out of class, into the hall, to continue with the day. Tessa walks slowly down the hall to her next class. Other students are rushing past her in all directions. Yet, Tessa seems to be gliding on a wave of energy as she looks at the keyring and the letter in her hands.


(thinking to herself) What is with this number? 315758675309101521011330. It has to be a code. But for what, and why?

Tessa arrives at her next class, a lab with quite a bit of distracting, hands-on activity. The letter and keyring are tucked away in her bag, and we get a closeup of both, as if in a warning. Tessa moves through the rest of the day, secrets – and answers – bumping along with her in her backpack.

The scene fades away, and returns with a brightness signaling the start of a new day. Tessa’s alarm clock Hype is ready to great her, his “face” screen blinking into awareness.


Good morning, Tessa. Rise and shine.


Good morning, Hype. (stretching her arms out in front of her, slowly waking up) What’s new?


In the day’s news, scientists working near the asteroid belt have discovered a faster process for mining and refining raw materials. As far as news for you, today is your big driver’s test. And you have a message from John at the docking bay: “Hi, Tessa. Your car has been secured in Garage 137. I hope we can go for a ride sometime. Talk later. Bye!”


So yesterday was NOT a dream, is what you’re saying. And I really do have a new car?? Hype, do you know by chance who sent it?


My database does not have that information. Can I see the letter?

Tessa shows Hype the letter, determines it’s taking too long to decipher, and jumps in the shower to get ready for the day. We see a sequence of information-gathering from Hype as the alarm clock digests the information. The water shuts off, and Tessa exits the bathroom.


(towel on her head) Did you learn anything from the letter, Hype?


Yes. It seems like there is a code in the letter, a code that is connected to a mission of some sort.


Oh, wow. You got all of that just from reading the letter??


Well it says right in the letter, “Here is your first mission…”


You know, Hype, for a super-smart computer, you can be pretty gullible.


A computer can’t be “gullible,” per se, but I’ve got some fun stuff in my programming that allows me to understand what you’re describing. You know what they say, “Gullible is innocent, and innocence won’t try to take over humanity.”


Well, then…thank you for being so gullible. (she laughs)


You got it.


Hype, I have some extra time this morning. My class isn’t until 9am. Will you play some Earth-super-oldies classic rock?


Of course. Shuffling super-oldies classic rock.

The song Tommy Tutone – 867-5309/Jenny starts playing from the radio:

Jenny, I’ve got your number
I need to make you mine
Jenny don’t change your number
Eight six seven five three oh nine
Eight six seven five three oh nine
Eight six seven five …


Urgently, she runs over to her bag to find the letter.

Hype, stop the music! (turning the letter over in her hand, as if with new eyes) Wow. Look at that.


Look at what?


The number from that song: eight six seven five three oh nine. It’s in this code: 31575 8675309 10151330. Is that just a coincidence?


Sharing the same birth date with someone you just met, that’s a coincidence. This is a clue, I tell you!


A clue? Okay, well if it’s a phone number it should have location codes, right?


Right! If we assume the first five numbers are location codes, let’s see… (he starts blinking, as if thinking) We have 3…that must be Earth, the third planet of the sun. The number 1 signals the United States, and 575…that is actually the area code for Roswell, New Mexico. That is supposedly where the first alien UFO crashed way back in 19…


(cutting him off) 1947! Roswell! Yes, I know the story. A UFO crashed and the government covered it up for like 100 years. That’s funny! I’ve always wanted to go there!


Let me do some more analysis of this location code to see if…(lights blinking again). Done! This number is connected to a company called Galactive Associates, LLC.


Galactive? Is that even a word?


No, but it is a name, apparently. It’s the name of this company, Galactive Associates, LLC.


(with just the briefest of eyerolls for Hype’s explanation) Weird name. OK. Let me look at the rest of the numbers.

Tessa, deep in thought, mutters something to herself as she stares at the code, flipping the letter upside down, right side up, and looking at it from all angles. She stares up at the ceiling for a moment, scrunching her face, and purses her lips. All of a sudden, she slaps her hand on a desk nearby, alarming Hype, whose blinking seems uncontrolled for a second.

I think I got it! the rest of this number looks like a date and time! It’s 3 1(575) 867-5309, 10/15, at 13:30. What do you think, Hype?


What do I think? I think you have less than a week to get ready for this mission, and you are about to be late to your driver’s test!


Oh my Space-time! You’re right! I gotta go!

Tessa grabs her bag and runs out the door. She has to get from her room on level 5 down to the docking bay, the site of her test, fast. Tessa runs down the hall to the spiral stairwell and leaps up past levels 4, 3, 2, and 1. Arriving at the docking bay just seconds before the airlock door shuts for the class, she’s breathing heavy. But she’s made it.


(relieved) That was close!


Hi, Tessa! I thought you weren’t going to make it.


(Smiling, speedwalking past John at the desk) I wouldn’t miss this for this world!


Good luck! I had them bring down your new car for the test. Have fun!


(Thinking to herself, while running to join the class) Oh, that’s a recipe for success. I’ve never even driven that car, and you want me to take my drivers test in it? OK, confidence, Tessa. You’ve got this, even if you have no idea what you’re doing. Here we go!

Tessa catches up to 10 other students who are all taking their driver’s test this morning. They seem to be in various states of anxiety and calm, some nibbling at their fingernails – or attempting to, with gloves on – others appearing cool and collected. Tessa attempts to shake off the nerves she’s feeling.


(Speaking to the entire class, not looking directly at Tessa) Tessa, thank you for joining us. We are now going to team up, one student driver with one instructor, and start the driver’s test. Good luck to each of you. Don’t do anything crazy. Remember: You’re showing us you can safely operate these vehicles, not show off your daredevil skills.

Each of the students teams up with an instructor, and they start to make their way over to where the cars are parked. All of the students will be driving a Virgin Galactic Spaceship, the most common car in the solar system. However, Tessa will be, for the first time, driving her new cherry-red Tesla Skyster.

The students all strap into their vehicles in unison, but start flying out of the docking bay, one by one.

Tessa being new to the car pushes the thrusters a little too fast, almost bumping into the car in front of her.


(with a smile) Good thing the reverse thrusters work! This is my first time in a Tesla Skyster, too. We can learn together! Just take it slow and you’ll do great. I’m sure of it.


(a look of panic on her face) Oh, your first time, too! That’s great! (nervous laugh)

Tessa is now frantically scanning the dashboard controls, somewhat for appearances, to show the instructor she knows what she’s doing.

(to herself, but aloud) Yeah, just take it slow. This is going to be fun!

Tessa thinks back to what she’s learned about shuttle navigation, and what she’s read about the Skyster, and appears to have an “Aha!” moment.

She pushes one button while holding down another, with confidence this time. The Skyster comes to life, and Tessa and her instructor are off.

From the vantage point of being outside the space station, we see the rest of the station’s inhabitants in various stages of centrifugal force, some upside down, some as if walking along the walls of the space station.

Tessa accelerates, and loops around Saturn and its 80-some odd moons. As they reach Titan, a moon of Saturn that is even larger than the planet Mercury. Tessa feels deeply the beauty of space and turns to the instructor.


Can we take a minute here by Saturns rings? With Sun light hitting the rings it’s like flying colors, so pretty!

The instructor smiles his approval.

Helmets locked, Tessa hits a button on the dash. The top of the Skyster comes down, and the two are suspended in space, looking at the galaxy and its vastness around them. After a minute, the instructor has to tap Tessa back into consciousness.


It’s time, Tessa.

With the car-top safely back up for the return journey, Tessa leads the Skyster back into the docking bay. She completes her final task, a controlled engine shut off, and takes a deep breath, relieved that the test is over despite how exhilarating it was to fly through space. It was only about 30 minutes’ worth of flying, although Tessa feels as if it was so much longer.


(bracing herself) So how did I do?


Passed with flying colors, literally. You’re a natural. I barely even noticed that bumpy start. I would feel safe with you driving on any mission. Here is your test, just take this to the main office and they will print your official driver’s license. Congratulations, Tessa!


(smiling from ear to ear) Wow, really?? Thank you so much! (vigorously grabbing the instructor’s hand, who seems surprised by the gesture) Seriously, thank you SO much! This was really fun!

The class starts walking back to the docking bay door, everyone smiling and talking about their test. It would appear the rest of the class did well, too.


So Tessa, how did you do?




Awesome! (almost shyly) Sooo we can go for a drive sometime?


Yeah, we can do that sometime…maybe next month? I have a busy next few weeks but we can plan something soon.


(looking a little deflated, but trying not to show it too much) Sounds good! Enjoy your day.

The scene fades and returns to a one-sided conversation. Tessa is talking to her mom on the phone, letting her know about her driver’s test. She doesn’t mention the new car, or the card that came along with it.


Tessa, why didn’t you tell you mom about your new car?


I want to find out where it came from first. In a couple of days, I’m going to take a quick trip to Earth…to Roswell to be exact… to find out what this is all about. I really think that’s what the code meant.


That sounds like a plan to me.

The tagline “Two days later” scrolls across the bottom of the screen. Hype gives his usual wakeup greeting, but Tessa’s eyes are already wide open, staring at the ceiling as if in anticipation of the day.


Good morning, Tessa. Today is the big day!


Hi, Hype! I know! I’m both excited and nervous! What do you think I’ll find there?


You’ll find sand and smelly Earthlings, I’m sure.


Smelly Earthlings?


Yes, I’ve never met an Earthling myself, but I’ve heard they are smelly.


They are just humans born on Earth. I’m a human. Am I smelly?


Let’s just focus on your mission today. I think you’re going to find it very interesting, regardless of what you find there!


Oh my space-time! You think I smell!


I did not say that. I did not! Also, do I even have a sense of smell? (we hear a computerized sniffing sound) Oh hi, Mark.


Mark? What are you talking about?


On your mark, get set, and go on your mission already! If you don’t leave now you’re not going to get there in time, you smelly human.


(smelling her armpit as she runs out the door) Whatever, I smell like roses. Love you, Hype. See you later tonight!

Tessa heads to the docking bay, gets into her Tesla Skyster, looks back at her life on the space station, smiles, and zooms off into the solar system. The scene fades to black.

3 – Tessa’s Alien Encounter

Recapping Chapter 2: Tessa Cracks the Code We learn it wasn’t all a dream. Tessa really has a new car, a Tesla Skyster, and a mysterious code along with it related to an upcoming mission.With the help of her alarm clock Hype, and her own cleverness, Tessa cracks the...

1 – Tessa’s Birthday Gift

1 – Tessa’s Birthday Gift

The story begins with the narrator, Starman. He's seated in a cherry-red Tesla Skyster, the fastest car in the galaxy. Looking over his shoulder while gliding through space, he comes to a slow stop, floating amongst the starry night, and begins.  STARMAN Welcome,...