
3 – Tessa’s Alien Encounter

Recapping Chapter 2: Tessa Cracks the Code

  • We learn it wasn’t all a dream. Tessa really has a new car, a Tesla Skyster, and a mysterious code along with it related to an upcoming mission.
  • With the help of her alarm clock Hype, and her own cleverness, Tessa cracks the code: a date and time appear, along with location coordinates for Roswell, New Mexico.
  • She can’t go anywhere until she passes her driver’s test, though, which she does with flying colors, literally!
  • Our story ended on a cliffhanger, with Tessa jetting out the door to Roswell on a mission she still knows little to nothing about.

Let’s get on with our space mystery, shall we?

Tessa is in her Tesla Skyster, top closed, helmet off, pushing controls on the dash as she navigates the starry sky. We get a closeup of the coordinates set for the dash: Roswell, New Mexico, Earth. Up ahead, a red orb glows. 


(says with excitement) Mars! 

She passes the red planet, but not before swooping by to have a quick look. As she comes near, our narrator Starman replaces her in the frame, in his own Skyster.


Ah, Mars, in all of its glory. Tessa is down there taking a closer look at its geodesic domes, filled with a few million timber bamboo stalks growing strong. The stalks are like regular bamboo, but grow a lot taller, up to 120 feet. It’s really impressive to see the progress we’ve made with improving Mars’ atmosphere. We’ve already started growing cold-hardy trees and bamboo around its equator. By “we” I mean “them,” down there on Mars. Let’s get back to the action, right?

Starman zooms away in his Skyster, and we pan back to Tessa. On her way into Earth’s orbit, zipping through white and blue and rainbow cloudscapes, she hits a little turbulence. She steadies her Skyster, slowing down its acceleration, and checks her coordinates. She’s getting very close! What used to be a dry desert is now a vast meadow of bamboo. 

We see, but don’t hear, Tessa communicating with air traffic control before her entry. 


(to herself) Beautiful.

Hovering above green bamboo meadows, she stops to watch them flow in the wind like waves on the ocean. Checking the time, she spots the city and lands on an old country road heading into town. Not quite sure where to go, Tessa is already annoyed by the 2D driving on Earth.


(to herself) At every intersection you have to wait and let other cars go, and then go around them. Ugh. This is why I love being a spaceling, living in the 3D, baby! In space I can drive up, down, backwards, sideways, upside down, no problem. But here on Earth? Nope! We drive on roads. 

OK, Tessa…chill out. This is an exciting adventure and you are now officially lost. I don’t think my GPS system has auto-updated the timeline yet. It’s giving me bad maps. OK, I still have time. What do we have around here? 

While driving around she notices a vintage coffee shop. Down the street, she sees another shop with outfits in the window. A few of them look like perfect “Men In Black” style boss suits for both men and women. 

Just then, the GPS updates its timeline and coordinates, and Tessa makes a quick right turn. A few miles away and after about four more turns, she sees a large building come into view.

This must be it. Yep, Galactive Associates LLC. Seriously, what is up with that name? 

She pulls up to a large gate, one better suited for a fortress or a prison than a building with that  funny of a name. 

The security guard exits the office and Tessa can see about three other guards behind the door. 

(to herself, nervously) What is this place?


(standing on the left side of her car, with some disdain) Can I help you?


(still quite nervous, but not showing it) Yes, hi! I love what you guys have done here with the building. Looks great. How are you today?

She waits for a response, but none comes. An awkward silence follows, and then finally…


(with some more disdain) I’m great. Can I help you?


Yes, I have an appointment at 13:30. My name is Tessa. I have this card…

She hands over the coded birthday card.


(smirking now) OK. Wait right here. (he pauses before heading off) Nice car.

Tessa sits anxiously in front of the gate. A security camera buzzes awake, watching her. 


(to herself) There’s no sneaking around this place.


(returning from his office) You don’t have an appointment. What are you doing here? Give me your ID.


(eyes wide now, unsure, but also not cracking under the pressure) Excuse me? 


Taking his sunglasses off and shaking his head, he stares at Tessa with authority. An awkward silence follows before he breaks out into a wide smile. 

It’s nice to meet you Tessa. I’ve heard a little about you. 

He hands Tessa another card. 


Here are your directions. I am going to need you to back up a little bit and then take the side door over there to your right. 

He points to what looks like a concrete wall, but then opens up to reveal a tunnel with a solid blue light running down the center of the floor. 


She’s expecting you. Good luck!


Wait, who is “she?” 

The security guard disappears from view, with no answer.

(to herself) Good luck? What am I getting myself into?

She slowly enters the tunnel. Feeling something grab the car, the floor starts to lower and twist into the ground, revealing two more tunnels before stopping at the third. 

(to herself) Impressive. 

The car is pulled forward into the tunnel, stopping a few moments later within a totally normal-looking parking garage. 

Tessa parks, and opens the new card. It reads: “Aliena 13:30.” 


(to herself) Aliena! I like that name. It’s like Alien with an “A.” Super cute!

Tessa gets out of her car and wrestles with her hair for a second. There are several doors along the wall and they all look the same, except for one that opens from the inside. A Hype device appears.


Tessa! I am so very happy to finally meet you. Please come in. We have been following your development for…well, your whole life. HA! If I act like I’ve known you forever, it’s because I have. 


(skeptical) Uhh, that’s a little weird. I’m not sure how I should feel about that. 


Ah yes, of course. Forgive me. I may be coming on too strong, I’m sensing. Well, as much as I can “sense,” you see. Ha!

The device pauses.

In any case, you will learn the whole story soon and all will be clear. Clear as a window, I promise. Well, a clean window at least. However, what you do with the clarity will be up to you! 


OK, so what is this place? Galactive Associates. It sounds like a hippy, nerdy space cult or something. Is that what this is? 


Before you can know exactly what this place is, you must first answer one question: What is the one thing in the universe that connects all things? What unites us all? Answer that and you’re on your way. Well, I suppose that was two questions, actually. You catch my drift, as they say.

Just then, a big door at the end of the hallway opens up. Standing there is a blonde woman of average height, wearing a fancy red business suit. 


(thinking to herself with a smirk) Look at this badassbossbitch. 


(smiling warmly, with her hands clasped together in front of her body) Welcome, Tessa! My name is Aliena. I’m so happy you’ve arrived. I was worried for a second that you’d be unable to crack the code, but only for a second. Please come this way so we can finally talk. 

She motions for Tessa to follow her. Hype floats away out of view.


(attempting to appear confident) Hi, Aliena. It’s nice to meet you too. This is an interesting facility you have here. Hopefully I’ll make it out alive! (an awkward laugh)


(laughing out loud, making eye contact with Tessa as they enter the office) That’s funny. I like your humor. It’s fun and a little sassy. Yes, you will make it out of here alive today. However, you will not be the same person you were where when you arrived here. You may have noticed a lot of things in your life are changing fast, right? 


(thinking, to herself, confusion on her face) Well, yeah, I guess. I just got this scholarship to live-study on Saturn 2, the newest centrifugal force space station in the solar system. Then I was given a car by, well, you, I guess. And now I’m here on Earth, deep underground in your totally decently designed office space.


That’s right. And how do you like your new Skyster?


It’s amazing. (getting animated now) Totally intuitive controls, lots of headroom and visibility, ridiculously fast yet smooth, and the color…the color is good. It works. However, I know there’s a catch. There is no way you and your Galactive Associates are just going to give me a car. In all honesty I might be here to return it back to you. I booked a shuttle flight back to Saturn 2 this evening, just in case. So, what’s the catch?


(smiling) The catch is, you have to be my driver.


Um, no thanks. Unless there’s a little more to it than that. I do like your outfit, though. (confidently) Keep talking.  


(with a smile) Remember when you said that you hoped you make it out alive, and I said that you would? 

Tessa’s eyes shift to the left and then to the right, a little scared, but she says nothing.


Well, if you agree to be my driver, I can’t always guarantee that will be the case. But, before we talk about saving the galaxy and things, let’s back up. Are you thirsty? Is there a coffee shop in town you wanted to visit?

As Aliena asks the question, she walks towards Tessa, touching her elbow. The two are teleported from the office, into the coffee shop Tessa had driven by earlier. 


(shaking her arms) What in space-time did you just do to me?! I know my elbow didn’t just do that! What are you, some kinda alien? Also (looking around) how did you know I wanted to come here??

Aliena smiles, and a look of realization comes over Tessa’s face. Aliena nods and smiles again. Tessa is in a daze until a voice breaks in, loudly. 


Here you go! 2 Mocha Choca Latte Ya Ya’s for Tessa and Aliena.  


(grabbing the drinks) These are my favorites. You are going to love, love, love them!


(quite a bit overwhelmed, sitting down) How? What? Where did…how?


(smiling with big eyes looking over her coffee cup) You’re not making any sense, and I can read minds.


(she shakes her head at that latest news) How did we just get here? And, how did the barista already have your order ready?


(takes a deep breath) I am a 200-year-old extraterrestrial from the Pleiadian Society. We’ve been working to help humanity for about 30,000 years now. I can teleport. I can read minds. I can shape shift. I know talent when I see it. And as for getting the coffee, I placed the order back in my office, silly. 


(smiling and feeling silly) Oh. OK, well then tell me this, old lady. If you can teleport, why do you need a driver? 


(smiling) Great question. I can only teleport a few thousand miles at a time. It takes a lot of energy, and I’ll need a nap if I go too far, too fast. I need a driver to help on my longer missions. 


Totally decent answer. OK, if you can read minds…

Before Tessa can finish Aliena interjects…


…prove it! OK, when you saw me for the first time in the lobby, you thought I was a badassbossbitch. I’m not sure what that means, but I like it, and I think you’re one, too. 


(blushing) OK, that’s impressive. Before we go any further, though, I’ll have to ask that you respect my privacy of thought. I don’t need you up in my head. 


Oh yes, you can have your privacy. You think weird thoughts sometimes that I really don’t need to listen to anyway. I learned that long ago.


Wait. How long have you been following me? And did you say something about shape-shifting, too?


Do you remember all your life, on your birthday, you would receive some kind of space-themed gift? Each year, you were building on what you had learned and seen, inspiring your love for space.




Well, my people have been working to inspire a love for space in humanity for over 30,000 years. And every once in a while, we meet someone, someone like you, with the potential to do great things, like save the galaxy, perhaps. And as for shape shifting, I can’t go into that here. Let’s go to the roof.

As Tessa is taking her first sip of her fancy coffee drink, Aliena touches her elbow and teleports them both to the roof of Galactive Associates, LLC. 


(spitting out her coffee and coughing) OK, you have got to tell me before you do that, do you understand? Sheesh. I got coffee all over the place.


(trying to suppress a laugh) Oh, sorry! Yes, you’re right. I will tell you next time, definitely, unless it’s an emergency. And now for my next act!

Aliena begins to twirl on the rooftop. Slowly, she begins to transform. Her skin has turned a bright teal, and her blonde hair has turned a bright fuchsia. Two antennae sprout from the top of her head. 


(thinking, to herself) Be cool, Tessa. Be cool.


(arms outstretched, as if comfortable in her new form) So, how do you like your coffee?


(taken aback) It’s pretty amazing.


(speed talking) So, I know we are throwing a lot at you all at once here. You’re doing great! I’m running a little short on time, so let’s cut to the mustard. I have two missions coming up, and I would like to ask for you to be my office driver. On the way, we can talk all about everything, and I’ll answer any questions you might have. Here are two cards, each with mission details. If you feel up to it, and you’d like to see what’s happening out in this big galaxy of ours, pick a mission and join me. Either one is fine. It was so great to finally talk to you. I’ve waited for this day for too long. I have to go now. Think about the missions, and maybe pick one.  

And just like that, Tessa and Aliena teleport once more, Tessa back in her driver’s seat, and Aliena in her office chair, back to work. 


(looking around, realizing she’s along again) But…I can answer now! (speaking out loud to herself in her car with excitement) Well, she didn’t say I couldn’t go on both missions! 

Scene fades to black.

2 – Tessa Cracks The Code

Recapping Chapter 1: Tessa's Birthday Gift We met Tessa, a 17-year-old living on a brand new space station orbiting Saturn.We got the sense that someone's been watching Tessa all her life, with big plans for her future. We watched Tessa navigate centrifugal force to...

1 – Tessa’s Birthday Gift

1 – Tessa’s Birthday Gift

The story begins with the narrator, Starman. He's seated in a cherry-red Tesla Skyster, the fastest car in the galaxy. Looking over his shoulder while gliding through space, he comes to a slow stop, floating amongst the starry night, and begins.  STARMAN Welcome,...