
18-22 Month Old – Problem Solving (Level 6)


At this point, you might have realized that your baby is paying more attention to the soft, raised bumps on their favorite bouncy ball. Or, maybe you’ve noticed your baby staring a bit harder when you wear that sweater with the stripes. That means that they have reached an age where they are more apt to explore and problem solve on a deeper level, and the Level 6 Problem Solving box is the perfect introduction to tactile experimentation and problem solving.

The 18-22 months kit comes with 6 items, including:

  • The Shapes on Pegs, which includes 9 geometric solids used to encourage spatial reasoning.
  • The Bolt Board, used to build perseverance, strength, and dexterity.
  • The Language Set, a game used to introduce new vocabulary created by Montessori.
  • The Bead Stringing Set, which is used to encourage coordination, precision, and spur creativity.
  • The Sorting Set, engaging tactile senses to classify textures and shapes.

If that isn’t enough, this box comes with 9 lessons for you, as well as personal coaching from a wonderful Montessori teacher.

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